
Dermaplaning With a Custom Facial: The Ultimate Spring Cleaning for Your Face

Apr 09, 2024
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Does your skin look dry and dull? Are you bothered by sun damage and rough patches? Perhaps the problem is acne scars. Learn how dermaplaning combined with a facial rejuvenates your skin.

Are you troubled by uneven skin texture from acne scars? If you had acne as a teen, you may have daily reminders of your teenage years when you look in the mirror. Acne can leave indentations in your skin that look like mini craters. 

You don’t have to live with these acne reminders. Our experienced health care team with Her Down There is trained in the latest aesthetics techniques. We may recommend a custom facial using dermaplaning to smooth those acne scars and leave your skin glowing. 

What is dermaplaning? 

Dermaplaning is a minimally invasive skin-resurfacing procedure. You’ve come to Her Down There because you’re unhappy with your skin’s texture, tone, and/or signs of aging like fine lines and wrinkles. Dermaplaning can help resolve all of these problems. 

We use a medical-grade instrument called a dermatome to remove the dull, dead skin cells on your skin’s top layers. It’s a handheld device that looks similar to an electric razor. Dermaplaning evens out your skin around the acne scars so that it has a smoother, even texture. 

What skin problems can dermaplaning help solve? 

Dermaplaning isn’t only a great technique to smooth skin scarred by acne. Following are all of the skin issues that dermaplaning can improve: 

  • Actinic keratosis (patchy skin that can become precancerous)
  • Dull skin
  • Skin with sun damage
  • Fine lines and wrinkles
  • Tiny hairs on your face (peach fuzz)
  • Acne scars 

Can dermaplaning be done on areas other than the face? 

Yes. If you have acne scars on your back or shoulders, dermaplaning is a good solution to give you smoother skin with a more even texture. We can use dermaplaning on all areas of your face or just a small area.  Dermaplaning can be done anywhere on your body; the most common use is on the face. 

What happens during a dermaplaning appointment? 

Come to your appointment with clean skin and no makeup. We numb your skin so you won’t feel pain during the procedure. While we use the dermatome, you’ll feel a scratchy sensatio,n but it shouldn’t be painful as we move the device lightly across the treatment areas. We smooth on an ointment at the end of the treatment to calm irritation. 

Why do we combine dermaplaning with a custom facial?

Once we remove the dead cells on your skin and smooth out skin around acne scars, your skin is ready to receive nourishing ingredients that give it a youthful glow. We recommend pairing a facial with dermaplaning to infuse your skin with vitamins, antioxidants, and moisturizing serums that leave your skin hydrated and rejuvenated.   

Call Her Down There today to see how a skin rejuvenation treatment can transform your complexion. We have offices in Arlington and Houston, Texas.