
At What Stage of my Gender Transition Can I Start Hormone Therapy?

Jun 19, 2024
At What Stage of my Gender Transition Can I Start Hormone Therapy?
Are you in the process of transitioning to a female gender? It’s a big step forward. You’re likely feeling anticipation as well as anxiety. Learn more about how the hormone therapy process begins.

If you’ve decided on hormone therapy to aid your gender transition, you likely feel like you’ve been living in the wrong body for years. You identify psychologically with the opposite sex, and are looking forward to hormone therapy to help make you feel authentically you. Feminizing hormone therapy can relieve the psychological distress of always feeling like you’re the wrong gender. 

Our board-certified nurse practitioners with Her Down There provide compassionate, gender-affirming care for our gender transitioning patients. You may be wondering when to start hormone therapy for your transition. 

Get a hormone baseline 

We provide a thorough physical exam to ensure that you’re healthy and able to undergo hormone therapy. An extensive blood test provides answers about your health such as whether hormone therapy would cause side effects that could become health complications. It also gives us a baseline of your hormone levels. 

When should I start hormone therapy? 

If you’re an adult, the choice is really up to you. Lab results only take a few days. If the test reveals no health issues, your hormone therapy could start right away. 

You may be anxious to start immediately; on the other hand, you may decide to live as your preferred gender for a period of time before you take the plunge. 

You’ll be taking estrogen and may also be taking progesterone. Both come in pill, patch, or injection form. In addition, you may be taking spironolactone, a testosterone blocker. 

Factors to take into consideration when planning hormone therapy

Before starting hormone therapy, it’s essential that you’re sure about this life-changing step. Some changes produced by hormone therapy are irreversible — one example is breast development. 

Feminizing hormone therapy is not a step to be taken alone. You’ll want and need emotional support during your gender transition journey. We recommend working with a therapist and joining a support group. You’re likely already involved in a community of gender transitioners.  

Hormone therapy is going to change your appearance. You’ll likely feel more comfortable around your immediate circle of family and friends when you let them know about your upcoming hormone therapy. 

How long does hormone therapy take to alter my appearance? 

You may see some changes very quickly. On the other hand, some changes could take two to five years. 

Call Her Down There or book an appointment through our online portal today for a private consultation on what’s involved in gender affirming hormone therapy. We have an office in Houston, Texas, and do telemedicine from our Arlington, Texas, office.